Sunday 18 November 2012

The definition of beautiful does not require the word skinny!

As a girl, and even for most men, it’s completely natural for us to have ‘hang-ups’ about our bodies, especially on a big night out. My constant worry is that although someone will love my personality and want to spend time with me, they just don’t think I’m attractive enough. It’s for this reason I find it hard to be intimate with people, emotionally!
I have this friend, and she’s a size 10 (which is A LOT smaller than me) and she tells me about how she hates her body, so all she’ll wear are jumpers and jeans. To me she has an amazing body, one which I would pay good money for, but of course there are parts she doesn’t like. Naturally, the world being the way it is, she’ll go to the pub, get tons of male attention and then still say the next day that she hates her body. Why? Is it really the media which makes us feel bad about ourselves or is this the way we’re supposed to be?
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely hate the girls that’ll walk into a room and expect everyone to look at them, being over-confident is not an attractive feature, nor is it one I desire to have, but surely these girls read the same beauty magazines as me? I’m not saying that these girls aren’t stunning, on the most part they are but there must be certain times when they look in the mirror and think that a certain pair of shorts make their legs look fat, or maybe they just leave all their “body blues’” at the door. I have to admit that a little bit of me respects these girls, they’re confidence truly amazes me!
Do beauty magazines promote low self-esteem? I posed this question to my Facebook friends and of the people that replied they all agreed they do. Some claiming ‘It makes everyone out to be perfect in the magazines, when in reality it’s all fake and Photoshop’ Perhaps we should make a ‘real-woman’s magazine’, a suggestion from one friend which realistically could do a world of good. Maybe we’re looking at size 6 too much and forgetting that flaws are normal. Photoshop has no room for flaws but perhaps we no longer have room for Photoshop. Then again, do we really want to face the reality of knowing what the average woman looks like, generally people tend to prevent themselves from feeling bad about how they look because they know they’ll never look like the models in Vogue, so maybe if the magazines were all full of woman size 14/16 you would be more aware of how different you really look from everyone else.  
I’m not saying it’s okay for everyone to eat  a whole load of food and not care about their bodies, but seriously, does it matter if you have one Big Mac!?! And if you’re sitting here thinking “Well yes, that one burger does matter!!,” it’s probably best you and my blog part ways because as much as I appreciate you reading this I have a confession, the longer I’m single the more McDonald’s I eat, and the more McDonald’s I eat the longer I am single, it’s a viscous circle that you will be hearing about a lot more!!
Thank you, and for now goodbye

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